Monthly Archives: April 2020

Symbols and Rituals

The everlasting symbol of Church of The Fringe is the multi-layered circle with “FRINGE” transcribed across. This symbol is known as Memodecruit. The circles represent the three layers of life forms; those nestled in the inner circle and middle circles, along with the outliers on the fringe. The inner circle, known as Quident, represents those […]


Fringist Order Of Multi-Dimensional Gravitational Alignment, or FOOMGA, is the sacred order within Church of the Fringe. It allows Fringists an opportunity to share ideas and experiences with each other. It strengthens the Church’s foundation allowing for a tranquil environment. FOOMGA does not necessarily practice any rituals other than collaboration, but if positive routines do […]


Fringism isn’t just a belief system, it is a frame of mind. Access your imagination, connect with your subconscious, and unravel your preconceived perceptions about the Universe. To be a Fringist, you must be willing to absorb information from all sides and reconcile the Truth with your being. Discovering the Truth will not be easy […]